2015年5月22日 星期五

D3輔助程式TurBohud 支援版本D3版本2.2.1.31666

D3輔助程式TurBohud 支援版本D3版本2.2.1.31666

大家安 D3輔助程式也更新到2.2.1版了噢



2.把資料夾和主程式TurboHUD都改名字  例如 aaa bbb ccc XXX  可任改


4.開D3後跳出再直接開此程式可  設快捷鍵會比較方便

5.如有使用Demonbuddy.....(您懂的)  可一起使用

 版本更新內容 (來源為http://turbohud.freeforums.net/   如想用行動支持作者KillerJohn   點我進入作者PayPal的贊助頁面 STABLE for Diablo III (v5)

NOTE: This is a MAJOR release. Version breaking changes are inside. A clean install (into an empty folder) is highly recommended!
NOTE: Be sure to have at least .NET 4.5 on your computer

- added: support for the new Bandit Shrine
- added: 'class' condition supports a , separated list from now (activated only if your class in one of the supplied classes)
- added: attack radius circle for the hovered skill (data comes from D3 and it shows the range only for attack skills and not even for all)

NOTE: this is disabled by default and serves debug purposes for future datamining
- added: stash tab preview (ui_default_main.xml <inventory> <stash_preview>)
- fixed: rifts/greater rifts were sometimes not recognized
- removed: scene dumps
- changed: the format and name of actor dump files
- removed: run logs, item drop logs, gamble logs

NOTE: these features will be added back in the future with a much better implementation
- added: "lore_chest" actor keyword (complements the "book" item keyword)
- removed: "server_ip_flags" feature from config.xml
- changed: experience range on minimap is disabled by default
- removed: ui_user_snippet_disable_experience_range.txt
- added: ui_user_snippet_enable_experience_range.txt
- removed: custom experience_range element from ui_default_main.xml
- added: experience_bonus_range actor element in ui_default_actors.xml
- fixed: some actors were not recognized properly
- added: all_active_buffs="{power}/{rune},{power}/{rune},..." and all_inactive_buffs="{power}/{rune},{power}/{rune},..." conditions

NOTE: works like "active_buffs" and "inactive_buffs", except the logical operator between the items is "and" instead of "or"
- added: ui_visible="{path}" condition for the supported UI elements (the condition will be true when the corresponding UI element in D3 is visible)

NOTE: the list of supported UI elements can be found in \doc\ui_elements.txt

- changed: portrait icons are a bit smaller STABLE for Diablo III (v4)
NOTE: be sure to have at least .NET 4.5 on your computer
NOTE: HUD's CPU usage is slightly increased because the caching of D3's UI controls is disabled


- added: Gem of Ease bonus is counted towards the displayed experience on kill value
- added: "blind" debuff on top monster bar
- fixed: some chests were not recognized properly
- fixed: some minor bugs
- improve: faster memory reading, lower memory usage STABLE for Diablo III (v4)
NOTE: be sure to have at least .NET 4.5 on your computer
NOTE: HUD's CPU usage is slightly increased because the caching of D3's UI controls is disabled
- fixed: damage calculation for Mantra of Salvation with Agility Rune
- improved: memory reading stability
- fixed: item size was 1x1 for the new pants introduced with 2.2 STABLE for Diablo III (v4)
NOTE: be sure to have at least .NET 4.5 on your computer
NOTE: HUD's CPU usage is slightly increased because the caching of D3's UI controls is disabled
- fixed: server IP display
- fixed: exception on startup STABLE for Diablo III (v4)
NOTE: be sure to extract the new 'data' folder from this package
NOTE: HUD's CPU usage is slightly increased because the caching of D3's UI controls is disabled
- added: Rift overlay (\config\ui_default_main.xml)
- keystone rank granted if you don't kill the current wave
- current trial wave
- trial timer
- greater rift timer and percentage
- keystone upgrade level in greater rifts (if you would immediately kill the Rift Guardian)
- keystone upgrade markers (reaching each marker decreases your keystone upgrade level by 1)
- added: HUD is clipping by the cosmetics and greater rift victory window
- added: used space display on stash pages (+snippet to disable it)
- removed: sentry icon
- removed: horrify icon
- removed: power highlight feature
- changed: some resources are recompiled to binary format (HUD starts faster)
- changed: some resources are moved from the .exe into a new folder called 'data' (HUD uses less memory)
- changed: the bottom blood shard number recognize when the cap is increased, and the color is
- red when cap-current < 100
- yellow when cap-current < 200 and >= 100
- green when cap-current >= 200
- change: default hotkey to hide HUD is changed to F4 from F1 because default Cosmetics window hotkey is F1 (users should change this in hotkeys.xml manually)
- added: images of the new items
- fixed: affix order is displayed properly
- changed: some resources are moved from the .exe into HUD's 'data' folder (MGR uses less memory)
NOTE: TurboMGR is moved from it's own subfolder to the root folder



